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Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

365bet护理MSN项目为拥有学士学位的注册护士提供机会 degree in nursing (BSN) desiring advanced education in nursing. The MSN program consists 三个专业:家庭执业护士(FNP),护士教育者(NE),和 Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP).

所有的浓度是灵活的,旨在满足注册护士的需要 in various stages of their careers. 

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Student and faculty working with simulated patient.


家庭执业护士(FNP)浓度准备护士提供护理 and improve health outcomes in the outpatient primary care setting. Graduates can assess, diagnose, prescribe medications. and evaluate care for patients throughout the lifespan. 毕业生有资格并准备参加FNP专业认证 exam through the 美国护士资格认证中心(ANCC)或美国护士从业人员学会 (AANP)及申请高级执业注册护士执业执照 (APRN).

43小时的浓度(需要600临床小时)是设计与 工作的专业护士,主要是在线交付. Two required 校园参观的目的是加强学习,实践动手技能,参与 in simulation, and for professional networking/socialization. 

  • FNP MSN学生每学期大约选修两门课程并完成课程 in about two years. Students 可以参加加速(6个学期)或标准(8个学期)的学习计划吗.




NURS 5100

Transition to Graduate Nursing Practice (1 credit hour)

NURS 5106

以预防和人口健康为重点的保健政策 (3 credit hours)  

NURS 5107

Scientific Inquiry (3 credit hours)

NURS 5108

以质量、安全和道德为重点的高级角色发展 (3 credit hours)

NURS 5005

Advanced Pathophysiology (3 credit hours)

NURS 5006

Advanced Pharmacology (3 credit hours)

NURS 5007

贯穿整个生命周期的高级健康评估和临床推理 (3 credit hours)

NURS 5008

高级健康评估和临床推理跨越寿命实验室 (1 credit hour)--required on-campus intensive

NURS 5701

Advanced Family Practice I (5 Credit hours)

NURS 5702

Advanced Family Practice II (5 Credit hours)

NURS 5801

Primary Care Practicum I (3学时/180临床学时)——要求虚拟高级技能强化

NURS 5802

Primary Care Practicum II (3 credit hours/ 180 clinical hours)

NURS 5809

Family Practice Residency (5学时/ 240临床学时)——要求校内强化

NURS 5902

MSN Capstone (2 credit hours)


Graduate Nursing Course Descriptions

The Nurse Educator (NE) concentration prepares 毕业生在学院和大学的教职岗位,也为规划 并在与健康有关的环境中提供工作人员和患者教育.

The 31-hour concentration (with 240 required clinical hours) is 设计与工作的专业护士的思想和课程交付 100% online. 

  • 护士教育MSN学生每学期大约选修两门课程并完成 the program in about two years.




NURS 5100

Transition to Graduate Nursing Practice (1 credit hour)

NURS 5106

以预防和人口健康为重点的保健政策 (3 credit hours)  

NURS 5107

Scientific Inquiry (3 credit hours)

NURS 5108

以质量、安全和道德为重点的高级角色发展 (3 credit hours)

NURS 5005

Advanced Pathophysiology (3 credit hours)

NURS 5006

Advanced Pharmacology (3 credit hours)

NURS 5007

贯穿整个生命周期的高级健康评估和临床推理 (3 credit hours)

NURS 5550

Theoretical Foundations and Teaching Methods for Nurse Educators (3 credit hours)

NURS 5615

The Nurse Educator (3 credit hours)

NURS 5719

Nurse Education Practicum (4 credit hours/240 clinical hours)

NURS 5902

MSN Capstone (2 credit hours)


Graduate Nursing Course Descriptions

精神科心理健康执业护士(PMHNP)浓度准备护士 为个人和家庭提供护理和改善心理健康结果 the lifespan. 这个项目的毕业生将能够评估、诊断、开处方 药物治疗,并评估个人和家庭的心理健康需求. 毕业生有资格并准备参加PMHNP专业认证考试 through the 美国护士资格认证中心(ANCC),并申请执业执照 as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN).

42小时的课程(要求540个临床学时)是根据工作设计的 professional nurse in mind and is primarily delivered online. Two required on-campus 参观的目的是加强学习,实践动手技能,参与 simulations, and for professional networking/socialization. 

  • PMHNP的MSN学生每学期将学习2-3门课程,并在11月完成课程 about two years. 




NURS 5100

Transition to Graduate Nursing Practice (1 credit hour)

NURS 5106

以预防和人口健康为重点的保健政策 (3 credit hours)  

NURS 5107

Scientific Inquiry (3 credit hours)

NURS 5108

以质量、安全和道德为重点的高级角色发展 (3 credit hours)

NURS 5005

Advanced Pathophysiology (3 credit hours)

NURS 5006

Advanced Pharmacology (3 credit hours)

NURS 5007

贯穿整个生命周期的高级健康评估和临床推理 (3 credit hours)

NURS 5008

高级健康评估和临床推理跨越寿命实验室 (1 credit hour)--required on-campus intensive

NURS 5711

Advanced Psychiatric Care I (5 Credit hours)

NURS 5712

Advanced Psychiatric Care II (5 Credit hours)

NURS 5811


NURS 5812

Advanced Psychiatric Practicum II (3 credit hours/ 180 clinical hours)

NURS 5819

Advanced Psychiatric Residency (5学时/ 240临床学时)——要求校内强化

NURS 5902

MSN Capstone (2 credit hours)


Graduate Nursing Course Descriptions

护理研究生课程每学年秋季和春季招生两次 Semesters.

Graduate nursing students attending on campus intesive.

Fall admission deadline: Due May 1st (错过截止日期的学生仍然可以申请——联系 graduatenursing@hf-dc.net for more information)

  • 要申请“秋季”开始,MSN申请者应该首先填写一份 application for "Summer" semester through the 365bet Graduate Admissions Office.
  • 被录取的MSN学生将在夏季第二学期开始NURS 5100. This one 学时“过渡”课程帮助学生适应MSN program prior to the start of fall semester.
  • 秋季学期的过渡班从7月开始,为期4周. See the 365bet Academic Calendar for specific Main Campus Summer II semester dates.


Spring admission deadline: Due October 1st (错过截止日期的学生仍然可以申请——联系 graduatenursing@hf-dc.net for more information)

  • 要申请“SPRING”开始,MSN申请人应该首先填写一份 application 通过365bet研究生招生办公室申请“坎贝尔堡春季第一学期”.
  • 被录取的MSN学生将在冬季学期开始NURS 5100课程. This one 学时“过渡”课程帮助学生适应MSN program prior to the start of fall semester.
  • 春季学期的过渡班从12月中旬开始,为期4周. See the 365bet Academic Calendar for specific Fort Campbell Winterterm semester dates.


Program Specific Admissions Requirements

所有申请研究生护理课程的申请人必须完成并出示以下证明 the following:

1. $45 application fee. (Non-refundable)

2. 所有就读学院(研究生和本科生)的正式成绩单 获得护理学学士学位的总平均成绩为2分.9 on a 4.0 scale.

3. Applicant Resume.

4. Applicant Goal Statement (e.g., reasons for pursuing graduate studies). The personal goal statement should be a one-page essay. It must be written in your own words. It should contain the following:

  • Details on your decision to obtain a Master’s degree in nursing
  • 描述你对护理的特殊兴趣和潜在贡献 profession, specifically as a Master’s prepared nurse
  • Career objectives
  • 计划在MSN项目中取得成功,特别是针对你的目标 或兼职学习和许多时间需要学习和临床.

5. 执照验证(无阻碍的、当前的行医执照的证明) 田纳西州或临床任务所在州的注册护士 completed).

6. Military documents if applicable.

7. 成功完成3个学时或4个学时的本科课程 Statistics course is required.

8. Reply from Nursing Admission committee. Admission decision will be rendered from 365bet护理学院研究生课程,入学和保留委员会.


所有护理研究生必须在90天内完成背景调查 of the start of the first clinical experience. Students must initiate the background 检查第一次临床轮转开始日期60-90天(不是之前). Drug screens may be required by specific clinical sites. Both drug screens and background checks can be ordered through CastleBranch. Please contact graduatenursing@hf-dc.net for the correct package codes prior to ordering.


更多关于MSN项目的信息可以在365bet研究生中找到 Bulletin.